How Rare is Silver? A Closer Look at Silver Scarcity

Is silver rare? Silver is now considered rarer than gold in some places. As rarity increases, the price for silver is rising in 2021—but it may not continue in years to come. Got silver? Now may be the time to part ways with it while prices are high—or at least see how much it’s worth. Let’s dive into why silver is scarce and what this means for the near future.

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5 real-world applications of silver

We’re all familiar with silver in the form of jewelry, silverware, and coins, but it also has many other common uses in industries across the world – and much of its value is tied to this widespread usability.

Silver is often described as the “world’s most indispensable metal,” as it is highly conductive, malleable, and ductile, in addition to having low resistivity. Silver can be flattened into fine sheets, drawn out into thin, flexible wires, and even formed into pastes, making it extremely versatile and useful in applications ranging from clothing to appliances and everywhere in between.

Because of this high usability, the global economy has a significant impact on the demand for silver. And as production increases, the price of silver typically does so, as well.

Here are five real-world applications for silver that help make it one of the most popular and valuable precious metals on the planet.

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13 gold and jewelry terms to know

Selling jewelry and gold can always be a great way to turn old, tucked-away items into cash – especially when the price of gold is as high as it is right now. But before getting involved in the market, it can be helpful to understand exactly what you’re getting into from a selling perspective.

Here are 13 key gold and jewelry terms to know to help educate yourself.

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Pawning gold and jewelry vs. Selling gold and jewelry

Because the price of gold is higher now than it has been in years, many people are looking for the best possible way to turn their gold and other precious metals into cash.

When it comes to making quick cash, many people turn to pawnshops as a means of turning their gold, jewelry, and other items into money. On the other hand, many prefer to sell their items outright to get the process over with quickly and to walk away with cash in their hand. But which is better – pawning or selling?

Jewelry has a high retail markup compared to an item’s actual market/secondary value. Here is a breakdown of the key differences between pawning and selling to help determine which can produce the best value for your gold, jewelry, and other precious metals.

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How to tell if your silverware is real sterling silver

Whether you’ve recently inherited some antique silverware or are looking to get rid of those pieces that have been collecting dust in your china cabinet for years, there’s a chance you may be able to fetch a fair amount for it. But how much your silverware is worth depends mostly on one thing: Is it sterling silver or silver-plated?

Here is a breakdown comparing sterling silverware to its most common silver substitutes, as well as a few tips on how to tell if your silverware is real sterling silver or not.

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